From the Pastor’s Desk – August 2024
Our Gospel reading for last Sunday was John’s version of Jesus feeding the five-thousand. In this narrative, we see three different responses to Jesus’ question. Jesus sees the large crowd and puts the question to Philip of how the crowds are to be fed, in order to test him, for he himself knew what he was going to do” (6:6).
Thinking logically, Philip responds with a plausible retort: “Six months wages won’t pay for the food needed to feed these people.” Philip was a little flummoxed. Not only was there no store or bakery anywhere in sight, and no cell phones to order take-out, but there was no way we could buy enough bread.
Andrew, perhaps with a little more faith, dares to jump into the conversation by the presence of one boy’s lunch, even though he says it’s not much.
Interestingly, Jesus does not rebuke either Philip or Andrew, he simply takes control of the situation, gives instructions to the disciples, distributes the loaves and fish, and then has the disciples pick up the leftovers. Jesus’ answer to these disciples “closed” appraisals (Andrew’s perhaps less closed), is a demonstration of divine power that just blows realism away. The point is that cautious calculations that operate only on the basis of possibility (calculations both revered and depended upon in out world), ignore the One who redefines what is possible.
Finally, we see a young boy, who, perhaps saw an opportunity. He didn’t have much to offer, but he brought and gave everything he had. He saw a chance to help, he offered himself and his gift and we know the rest of the story.
I believe that we were created to respond like the boy. If we receive love, we should give love. If we have financial blessings, we should share from our bounty. Even if we don’t have much, we are blessed, and are called to share our blessings in return.
Our challenge is to bring OUR loaves and OUR fishes no matter how meager or small and put them into the hands of Jesus. Our challenge as children of God and as a church is to always be on the lookout for a CHANCE to help. Then we will see how God could multiply and use whatever we bring.
As always, I look forward to your comments.
Pastor Cory